Research interests

Preferential sampling

During my PhD, I developed a spatio-temporal hierarchical model based on fisheries data sources to map fish distribution. It feeds on massive catch declaration data and standardized fine-scale scientific survey data. It accounts for preferential sampling of the commercial data.

You’ll find some description of this approach in the following references:

Change of support

I also developped a statistical approach handling change of support for complex environmental data (zero-inflated data with long tails). It allows to combine aggregated massive data and fine scale survey data to map fish distribution.

Conceptual diagram of the hierarchical model

Modelling mechanisms in hierarchical spatio-temporal models

During my postdoc, I have worked on the development of an hierarchical framework modelling population dynamics in space by integrating survey data and commercial catch data.

  • See Olmos et al. (2023) for a spatio-temporal model representing population dynamics of the Snow Crab in the Eastern Bering Sea.

Estimates of abundance of the spatio-temporal stock assessment method developped by Olmos et al. (2023)

Multivariate analysis of spatial/spatio-temporal data

Massive data sources give access to huge amount of spatial information on long time series. Methods to decompose the spatio-temporal variability of the signal into simple spatial and temporal patterns have been developed for the past 50 years based on the EOF (Empirical Orthogonal Function) method. I am interested in the development of these methods, how these methods are related between each other and how new research avenues could be drawn from these methods.

EOF loading factors (left) and maps (right) for sole inthe Bay of Biscay between 2008 and 2018