
fm_generate_graphs() : generate output graphs

This function will generate graphs of the model predictions. It will use as input the data generated from fm_fit_model() and provide the predictive plot within a named list. Is the sampling process is activated (samp_process = 1), an additionnal graphic for eta result will be generated.

#' \donttest{

# loading `fm_fit_model()` outputs
fm_fit_model_outputs <- readr::read_rds(
  system.file("examples", "part2_output_small.rds",
              package = "FishMap")

# run function
fm_generate_graphs(fm_model_results = fm_fit_model_outputs)
#> Running step 4 -plot graphs-

#> Step 4 -plot graphs-: 0.479 sec elapsed
#> $pred_plot

#' }