Checking reproducibility of FishMap results

This notebook gather the analysis performed in order to compare the output of the original FishMap main.R script between Client and ThinkR. We will compare the results obtained with identical seeds following the execution of the script dev/run_main_and_save_output.R.

Here, we use high resolution parameters :

  • k = 0.75
  • month_start <- 10
  • month_end <- 12

We use similar package versions for Client and ThinkR outputs :

  • Baptiste : R version 4.2.3 ; TMB_1.9.2 ; INLA_22.12.16
  • ThinkR [swann] : R version 4.2.0 ; TMB_1.9.0 ; INLA_22.12.16

Executing main.R

We generate the outputs on ThinkR machine. Make sure your .Renviron variables FISHMAP_UPDATE_OUTPUTS and FISHMAP_OUTPUT_DIR are correctly set.

# Run main.R a second time (model files are already compiled from first run)
source(here::here("dev", "run_main_and_save_output.R"))
## Error in file(filename, "r", encoding = encoding): cannot open the connection

We list the resulting output files.

thinkr1_output_dir <- file.path("~","shared","outputs_fishmap_highres_rerun")

thinkr1_output <- paste0(
    path = thinkr1_output_dir,
    full.names = TRUE
  collapse = "\n"

glue::glue("The paths to ThinkR's second run output files are :\n {thinkr1_output}")
## The paths to ThinkR's second run output files are :

Loading Client’s output

We now load the outputs generated from Clients (BA) in a temporary folder.

# Create tmp folder to store Client output
tmp_folder <- tempfile(pattern = "fishmap_highres")

# Download and unzip BA highres outputs from Git repo
ba_zip_file_url <- ""
  url = ba_zip_file_url,
  destfile = file.path(tmp_folder, "")

  zipfile = file.path(tmp_folder, ""),
  exdir = file.path(tmp_folder, "ba_output")

ba_output_dir <- file.path(tmp_folder, "ba_output", "outputs_fishmap_highres_updatepkg")

ba_output <- paste0(
    path = ba_output_dir,
    full.names = TRUE
  collapse = "\n"

glue::glue("The paths to Baptiste's output files are :\n {ba_output}")
## The paths to Baptiste's output files are :
## /tmp/RtmpMWf0bp/fishmap_highres5ded4c03ec4d/ba_output/outputs_fishmap_highres_updatepkg/converge_output.rds
## /tmp/RtmpMWf0bp/fishmap_highres5ded4c03ec4d/ba_output/outputs_fishmap_highres_updatepkg/obj_input.rds
## /tmp/RtmpMWf0bp/fishmap_highres5ded4c03ec4d/ba_output/outputs_fishmap_highres_updatepkg/opt_output.rds
## /tmp/RtmpMWf0bp/fishmap_highres5ded4c03ec4d/ba_output/outputs_fishmap_highres_updatepkg/report_output.rds

Contrasting files

Results between ThinkR and Client’s are not perfectly identical.

Important note : To compare numerical results at two precision levels, we will consecutively set a tolerance in numerical differences to 1e-4 (as used in the other comparison vignettes) and 1e-6.

Conclusion :

  • We find no differences in numerical outputs when we use a numerical tolerance of 1e-4.
  • We detect differences in numerical outputs with a tolerance of 1e-6
  • We find a non-numerical difference in the fn element of the obj_input.rds file for both tolerance thresholds
  • Numerical differences between Client and ThinkR outputs exist but are all inferior to 1e-4.

Create contrast function

We will use again waldo within a function to display the differences for each file. We will adapt the tolerance parameter to adjust numerical comparison threshold.

# Create a function to explore waldo's output file by file between ThinkR and Baptiste outputs

compare_output_file <- function(file_name, tolerance) {
  # define client output dir
  client_output_dir <- ba_output_dir

  # running waldo on one file (thinkR ~ client)
  message(glue::glue("contrasting output of {file_name} between thinkr and baptiste with a numerical tolerance of {tolerance}"))
  compare_author <- waldo::compare(
    x = readRDS(
      file.path(client_output_dir, file_name)
    y = readRDS(
      file.path(thinkr1_output_dir, file_name)
    x_arg = "baptiste",
    y_arg = "thinkr",
    max_diffs = 100,
    tolerance = tolerance


Contrasting all outputs at 1e-4 numerical tolerance

We first make the comparison for each file with a tolerance of 1e-4.

compare_output_file(file_name = "converge_output.rds", tolerance = 1e-4)
## contrasting output of converge_output.rds between thinkr and baptiste with a numerical tolerance of 1e-04
## Warning in gzfile(file, "rb"): cannot open compressed file '/home/rstudio/shared/outputs_fishmap_highres_rerun/converge_output.rds', probable reason 'No
## such file or directory'
## Error in gzfile(file, "rb"): cannot open the connection
compare_output_file(file_name = "opt_output.rds", tolerance = 1e-4)
## contrasting output of opt_output.rds between thinkr and baptiste with a numerical tolerance of 1e-04
## Warning in gzfile(file, "rb"): cannot open compressed file '/home/rstudio/shared/outputs_fishmap_highres_rerun/opt_output.rds', probable reason 'No such
## file or directory'
## Error in gzfile(file, "rb"): cannot open the connection
compare_output_file(file_name = "report_output.rds", tolerance = 1e-4)
## contrasting output of report_output.rds between thinkr and baptiste with a numerical tolerance of 1e-04
## Warning in gzfile(file, "rb"): cannot open compressed file '/home/rstudio/shared/outputs_fishmap_highres_rerun/report_output.rds', probable reason 'No
## such file or directory'
## Error in gzfile(file, "rb"): cannot open the connection
compare_output_file(file_name = "obj_input.rds", tolerance = 1e-4)
## contrasting output of obj_input.rds between thinkr and baptiste with a numerical tolerance of 1e-04
## Warning in gzfile(file, "rb"): cannot open compressed file '/home/rstudio/shared/outputs_fishmap_highres_rerun/obj_input.rds', probable reason 'No such
## file or directory'
## Error in gzfile(file, "rb"): cannot open the connection

With a numerical tolerance of 1-e4, the outputs between ThinkR and Baptiste are identical, with the exception of the fn object in obj_inputs.rds, which was also reported when contrasting Juliette’s outputs. All numerical outputs are identical at 1e-4 numerical tolerance.

Contrasting converge_output.rds output at 1e-6 numerical tolerance

We will now run the same comparison for each file, with a more stringent numerical tolerance of 1e-6.

compare_output_file(file_name = "converge_output.rds", tolerance = 1e-6)
## contrasting output of converge_output.rds between thinkr and baptiste with a numerical tolerance of 1e-06
## Warning in gzfile(file, "rb"): cannot open compressed file '/home/rstudio/shared/outputs_fishmap_highres_rerun/converge_output.rds', probable reason 'No
## such file or directory'
## Error in gzfile(file, "rb"): cannot open the connection

Contrasting opt_output.rds output at 1e-6 numerical tolerance

compare_output_file(file_name = "opt_output.rds", tolerance = 1e-6)
## contrasting output of opt_output.rds between thinkr and baptiste with a numerical tolerance of 1e-06
## Warning in gzfile(file, "rb"): cannot open compressed file '/home/rstudio/shared/outputs_fishmap_highres_rerun/opt_output.rds', probable reason 'No such
## file or directory'
## Error in gzfile(file, "rb"): cannot open the connection

Contrasting report_output.rds output at 1e-6 numerical tolerance

compare_output_file(file_name = "report_output.rds", tolerance = 1e-6)
## contrasting output of report_output.rds between thinkr and baptiste with a numerical tolerance of 1e-06
## Warning in gzfile(file, "rb"): cannot open compressed file '/home/rstudio/shared/outputs_fishmap_highres_rerun/report_output.rds', probable reason 'No
## such file or directory'
## Error in gzfile(file, "rb"): cannot open the connection

Contrasting obj_input.rds output at 1e-6 numerical tolerance

compare_output_file(file_name = "obj_input.rds", tolerance = 1e-6)
## contrasting output of obj_input.rds between thinkr and baptiste with a numerical tolerance of 1e-06
## Warning in gzfile(file, "rb"): cannot open compressed file '/home/rstudio/shared/outputs_fishmap_highres_rerun/obj_input.rds', probable reason 'No such
## file or directory'
## Error in gzfile(file, "rb"): cannot open the connection
# delete temporary folder
# knit the Rmd as a compiled Rmd in vignettes
  input = here::here("dev/archive/dev_check_model_reproducibility_highres_same_pkg_version.Rmd"),
  output = here::here("vignettes/dev-check-model-reproducibility-highres-same-pkg-version.Rmd")