Test File 1 test-fm_build_data_params_map.R


  • Number of test(s) : 1

  • Number of expectation(s) : 2

  • Number of successful expectation(s) : 2

  • Number of failed expectation(s) : 0

  • Number of errored expectation(s) : 0

  • Number of expectations with warning(s) : 0

  • Number of validated skip expectation(s) : 0

  • Number of skipped expectation(s) : 0


Test Description Expectation Result Location Test_time
fm_build_data_params_map Testing that fm_build_data_params_map return a list expect_type(object = result, “list”) Success test-fm_build_data_params_map.R#95 2023-04-13 12:21:14
fm_build_data_params_map Testing names of the list expect_named(result, c(“data”, “map”, “params”, “random”)) Success test-fm_build_data_params_map.R#98 2023-04-13 12:21:14